Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 38

Sorry about my face, but I could NOT be bothered with make-up today.

Pregnancy's hard these days. I'm glad I don't have to go to work, because I really don't see how many women can still go to work up until their 39th week... According to the gynaecologist the baby has definitely started dropping, but still needs to drop a bit more. She also said that my cervix is ripening well (as far as I know, this means it's softening and preparing to efface) and I was dilated a fingertip. It's a relief to know that all those cramps and Braxton Hicks contractions have some effect. She tested me for Group B Strep and will have the results for me at my next check-up. Fingers crossed! The baby now supposedly weighs 3.6-3.7 kgs, so I guess it'll be around 4 kilos at birth and I can live with that. :)

We've installed the car seat (more on that later) and I put the changing pad on our dresser, so we are ready to start changing diapers. :)


  1. spanneeeeend :)
    ik moet donderdag gaan en ik hoop ook op een beetje opening... De laatste tijd veel oefenweeën en harde buiken dus als er nog niks is ga ik enorm teleurgesteld zijn haha :p

  2. Amai zeg, het kan er echt ieder moment gaan zijn he!

    1. Inderdaad, maar het zou evengoed ook nog 4 weken kunnen duren. :) But still, 4 weken is eigenlijk ook nog maar heel kort he? :)
