Friday, January 17, 2014

Prepping our car for the transportation of a tiny human

We gave our parents the details of our registry early and they have been so kind as to get us some items right now! Klaas's mom and stepdad bought the car seat while my parents and brother got us the other necessities, like the base for the car seat, the footmuff (I totally had to google that word!) and the car seat protector (to protect the upholstery of our car).

I am in looove with the design. Seriously, I chose this car seat purely for the confetti design.

There's one more item regarding baby prep that I still need to show you, but I'm waiting on Klaas to get me some decent pictures of it. *hint hint*


  1. Ik vind het echt een zalig systeem zonder dat ge met de gordel moet prutsen. Is dat duurder dan andere stoeltjes?
