Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week 37

The baby's full term today!

They say that once you hit 37 weeks, the baby could come at any given moment. I'm not sure if this is also the case for ours, but we'll know more when we've gone to the gynaecologist's on Thursday. I do think the baby has dropped, because I've had some very painful stabs in my lower abdomen yesterday (Klaas was already worrying about me being in labor, haha!) and now it seems my belly has dropped too, compared to last week. It also feels as though my pelvis is "fuller" now, as if there's a bowling ball stuck in there. Needless to say that I haven't had this much pelvic discomfort and just general trouble walking around/getting up/etc in my entire pregnancy.

I stuck stamps on the birth announcement envelopes that will need to be mailed and I packed my hospital bag. So glad that's out of the way, because I felt quite anxious not having it ready...


  1. Je ziet er inderdaad uit alsof de baby wat gezakt is! Spannend he :)
    Ik moet zelfs nog een adressenlijst maken en postzegels kopen :p Maar mijn tas en de baby's tas staan wel ongeveer klaar. Bedje wordt vanavond in elkaar gezet en hopelijk het parkje ook. Voor de rest enkel nog naamkaartjes aan de doopsuiker hangen denk ik... Stilaan geraken we er wel!

  2. Zie ze glunderen ;-) Jij bent ZO georganiseerd hé, ik ga u inhuren als ik ooit zo ver ben, haha

    1. En ik kan dan uw wedding planner ook zijn, zeker. :P
