Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summarizing an entire month

Well, nearly an entire month. My last blog was about various appliances breaking down around the house and us upgrading to a dishwasher and buying a new fridge.

What has happened since then, you ask? Various things, both big and little!

1. I had my nails done at Lien's.
 2. I french braided Juul's hair.

3. We went to Klaas's sister's wedding.

4. I made my mom's favorite cookies for Mother's Day. Then I realized I didn't have a cute box to put it in. So I just used my measuring cup and stuck some carnations in there. Worked for me!

5. We had coffee at my grandma's for Mother's Day. I went through all of her photo albums because I've been thinking about a project I'd like to do. A small project, but still a project! More about that soon(ish)! This is her and my late grandpa on their wedding day...

... and this is them about 28 years later (I think) with me. <3

6. The day after Mother's Day, my school organized a sports day. My class went to play airsoft (I did not participate), so my day consisted of sitting in the rain, being cold and stinking of barbecue.

7. I toyed around with the Beautiful Mess app on my phone.

8. Two weekends ago, we went to the Ardennes with Klaas's dad and his family. It was a long drive. When I took the picture below, we had already been driving for almost an hour.

The weather wasn't great, so we played a lot of games.

See that tiny tip of the mountain, just peeking out from the bushes? We climbed all the way up there. I just about died.
View from the top. So not worth it. Okay, maybe it was worth it a little.

I think I still look pretty good considering I died about 5 minutes before this picture was taken. No?

Klaas swung a toddler through the air.

9. We had plenty of cozy times with our kittens and puppies.


  1. Amai, die laatste foto ziet er heel gezellig uit. :) Yay, boke, vaker bloggen! (jaja, pot meet kettle, I know).

  2. Ha! I love your DIY cookie holder ;) This is totally something I would do!

    1. Haha, thanks! Well done on Joke's blog design, by the way. :)
