Wednesday, May 21, 2014

100 happy days: days 1-10

#100happydays is trending on Instagram and Facebook, so I hopped on the bandwagon and decided to take a picture every day of what makes me happy. I thought it would be fun to get an oversight so I'll be posting the pictures in groups of 10 as I go.

So without further ado, here are the first 10 days!

Day 1:  my first Mother's Day.
Day 2: a baby that's growing really well!
Day 3: getting my nails done.
Day 4: friends visiting.
Day 5: finding out your husband made you sugared strawberries.
Day 6: our room for the night. (Klaas's mom's new B&B in Terneuzen, Holland.)
Day 7: summer, baby!
Day 8: reminiscing: 18/05/2013 vs 18/05/2014.
Day 9: eager dog.
Day 10: lasagne.

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