Sunday, March 24, 2013


I've been loving cocooning lately. Work gets me so stressed and annoyed that whenever I find myself at home and there is no work-related stuff waiting on my desk, I like to just enjoy sitting in my bubble. I don't do much over the weekend. I usually go see my parents or my/Klaas's family. Saturday is mostly a shopping day for me and my mom, but we don't spend buckets of money. We like going to local stores like Action. I guess you could compare Action to a dollar store, because no matter what/how much you buy there, you can't possibly spend more than 20 euros. I've been reading lots of blogs lately (I don't care what other people say, I love Young House Love!), I've been checking out other people's pins on Pinterest and my hands are itching to do some DIY'ing/decorating myself. However, we live in an old house and it seems kind of pointless to me to make large improvements to it, especially seeing as we're hoping to tear it down in about five years and build our dream house. Which is why I've been trying to find very small ways in which I could make our house more of a home. A place to cocoon. Sooo...

Yesterday was Saturday. Do you see where I'm going?

That's right. To Action, to find small make-my-house-into-a-home-to-cocoon-in objects.
Here's my loot:

I got three of these flowerpots and then one vase that looks exactly the same, only taller.
When I got home, I found out they were the exact same ones Joke has. Sorry!
I guess great minds do think alike. ;-)
I'll make another post once I've gotten my new flowerpots up there right next to my old ones. I have yet to figure out a classy way of putting them together. *ahem ahem*
By the way: the orchid in the above picture is all shriveled up. I've forgotten to water our plants for about a month. :( I'm doing better now, though!

I bought a few four leaf clover bulbs and some forget-me-not seeds.
I'm very curious as to how this little project will turn out!

 Sure, we had tealight holders. But we didn't have "grown-up" ones in neutral colors.
So I got three of these. The above two are on our coffee table.
 The last one is on our dresser, in between a picture of Klaas's grandparents and my late grandpa.
I'm still waiting for the perfect frame to put them in.

I loved this picture of New York. Klaas and I have sort of been feeling homesick for New York for a couple of weeks now (Isn't that weird? Feeling homesick for a place that isn't your home?) and this picture is something that is so "us". We had made it our shared dream to go to NYC at least once in our lives and we were so so happy to see that dream come true a few months ago. The reason the picture looks weird is because it's actually in 3D. Don't you just love how tacky it is? I know I do. We've decided this frame will go in our toilet (haha!). I'm thinking it will liven up that sad little place.

This isn't exactly a decorative element that will turn our house into a home, but Klaas and I both love our hair being played with. It makes us sleepy. When we were first introduced to this thing (I don't even know what it's called) at Gary's birthday party (here and here), I knew we had to have one.
Some more random pictures from these last few days:
 My dad's in the army and I found his new kepi.
I didn't want to deny you my hotness.
You're welcome.

I got this five-year diary after reading about it on a blog (I forgot which one). The idea is that you get one page for one day over five years. For instance, the page I will write on today has five blank entries. One for 2013 and four more for 2014, 2015 and so on. I really like it, because it really only allows you to write about 3 lines every day. You automatically pick the highlights of your day and leave out stuff that you won't even remember in a month because it just wasn't important.
Plus, look at how pretty it is, with its good lettering and gilded edges!
Anyway, dinner's ready! We (and by "we", I mean Klaas) are trying out a new recipe. If it turns out to be any good, I'll post about it in a few days!


  1. Leuke post, boke. Ik kijk er al naar uit om m'n eigen huisje gezellig te maken. :)
