Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bits and pieces

1. There's a new kitty on the block! We named him Sheldon and he sleeps a lot, which is kind of weird for a cat that goes by that name, but ah well. He doesn't seem too neurotic yet, though, so that's good! We were worried about that...

2. Juul is such a pretty, pretty boy. He always looks SO goofy. I think it's because his eyes appear to be so far apart because there's so much white in his face.

By the way, we had another triple date with Joke, Sofie and their men and we ended up playing Trivial Pursuit. Juul joined us.

3. Flo is making a habit out of using a pillow to rest comfortably.

4. This was a wedding present from Lien, who also did my nails and make-up. We only just got around to actually hanging it, but I think it looks really good there. The colors are neutral and balance out the green. This is one part of our house that looks extremely rustic. I've noticed recently that I need to keep this quote in mind. Life is a journey and love is what makes that journey worthwhile. It's so easy to get caught up in stupid little details and to lose track of what really matters.

5. Winter, be gone. Yes, your snow is pretty and all, but not in March. Spring, where are you?

Can you spot Flo?

I opened the door to get to work and this is what I found.

I spent over half an hour sloshing through the snow to get to the train station. I finally got there, jumped on my train and as I sat there, waiting for it to leave, I found out that school was cancelled and that I could go back home. So I went home, sloshing through the snow for another 40 minutes. I guess I'll at least have had some exercise... 

I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. I have no desire to arrive at school, only to find out that we can go home again. However, I guess having the day off is not the worst thing in the world - on the contrary!

1 comment :

  1. Die foto van Juul boven da Trivial Pursuit bord is zoooo grappig!
