Thursday, February 7, 2013

You ask questions? I give answers.

Two weeks ago, I was tagged by Joke to answer these questions. I'm going to give them a go, but I find some of them quite hard to answer.


1. Who is your man?

2. How long have you been together?
We have been together a little over 5 years.

3. Dating/Engaged/Married?
We started dating on December 3rd 2007. 4 years later, we got engaged on January 7th 2012. We got married on December 12th 2012. It seems that we're big on winter, which is ironic seeing as we both suffer from winter blues.

4. How old is your man?

You or your man?

1. Who eats more?
What a difficult question. I think this could be a tie.

2. Who said "I love you" first?
I can't, for the life of me, remember that. I think we both said it at the same time, very early on in our relationship.

3. Who weighs more?

4. Who sings better?
I wouldn't know, because I've never actually heard Klaas sing! I don't think we're very good singers, though.

5. Who's older?
Klaas is 2 years, 6 months and 5 days older than me.

6. Who's smarter?
This is a dangerous question. I think I'm smarter intellectually (I only have book smarts), while Klaas is a genius when it comes to anything practical or technical. I break my head on a regular basis over certain problems that are actually incredibly simple, overthinking everything and being unable to determine what I should do next. Then Klaas comes in and very plainly, without any hesitation, gives me the solution. He's a lot like my mom, that way. I would be lost without him.

7. Whose temper is worse?
Mine. I sometimes get very scared that I might be manic depressive.

8. Who does the laundry?
That depends. Usually me, but Klaas has been known to put in a load when I'm too busy.

9. Who does the dishes?
Usually Klaas, but I dry them. Klaas is all like "I'll just let them drip dry on the countertop." Double You Tee Eff, Klaas, stuff doesn't just drip dry on the counter top!

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do. Although it all depends on how the bed is placed in the room. I sleep on the side of the bed that is farthest away from the wall.

11. Whose feet are bigger?

12. Whose hair is longer?

13. Who's better with the computer?
Klaas. That stuff just doesn't work with me.

14. Who pays the bills?
Well, I actually do the paying of the bills, but both of us pay them, seeing as it's our shared money.

15. Who cooks dinner?
Klaas. I love him for it.

16. Who drives when you are together?
Always Klaas. I love him for this too.

17. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Klaas, but again, it's our money.

18. Who's the most stubborn?
Both of us are equally stubborn.

19. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
Always me. Although he would say otherwise.

20. Whose parents do you see more?
Mine, because we live closer to mine than to his.

21. Who kissed who first?
We kissed each other. The story of how that happened is very funny, but also kind of embarrassing and weird.

22. Who asked who out?
I don't think we actually asked each other out. It just sort of happened. We were like "Do you want to be in a relationship?" and both of us said "I don't know..." I really wanted to be with him, but I was playing it cool. What if it wasn't mutual?!

23. What did you do?
We lived in the same dorm and Klaas had the biggest tv. So we would all (and by "all" I mean about 5 people living in the same dorm) go to Klaas's and watch "De Slimste Mens ter Wereld" on his tv. I stayed later and later each time, even after everyone had left. One night we were watching Friends together until 3am, just waiting for the last person to leave, and when he was finally gone, we started having the talk from 22.

24. Who's more sensitive?

25. Who's taller?
Klaas is 1,87m and I'm 1,70m.

26. Who is more indecisive?
Klaas. He goes back and forth hundreds of times before finally making a decision. Which drives me crazy, but I've gotten used to it already. :)

27. Who has more siblings?
No one. Klaas has one sister and I have one brother. Klaas has stepbrothers, though.

28. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
That depends! People like to say that I do, but Klaas is way too stubborn to just blindly agree with me on something if he doesn't really want to.

29. Who has the best husband ever?
Tom Hanks's wife! Just kidding, me of course!


  1. Ik denk dat K & G ongelooflijk veel op elkaar gelijken. En gij & Sofie hebben echt allebei zoveel chance dat jullie wederhelften altijd koken. Chançards!

  2. Hihihi @ 29. Ik wil het verhaaltje van 21 wel eens horen ze!
