Friday, February 15, 2013

It's the little things in life

Today was such a relaxed day. I watched Medium with our dogs and cats, got dressed at 12:30, watched some more Medium, did some laundry and met up with Klaas at the supermarket to buy everything we needed to make burritos and cookies.

It seems that Juul is having his cake and eating it, too... ˄ and ˅

I like my men in the kitchen. Love goes through the belly, you know.
(I love dutchisms like that.)

Rice and red pepper. Yum!

Ooohh aaahh, look at all those colors!
I didn't take pictures of the finished product, but I already blogged about our burritos here.
Tomorrow is cookie time! I'm not sure if I'll be trying out something new, though. We'll see!


  1. Ik ga die burritos zeker ook eens proberen!

  2. Zeg, nu heb je wel geen foto van mij genomen hé? En ik was nochtans 'opgekleed' ;-)
    burritos zien er lekker uit! Wij maken dikwijls wraps.
    Ilke x

    1. Ik heb achteraf ook gedacht dat we 't vergeten zijn... My mistake! ^^
