Friday, January 18, 2013

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Uh-oh, I'd better start cracking if I want to keep my New Year's resolution of writing two blog posts a week.

Taking the train home from work.

We've had a ton of snow earlier this week. Snow is so pretty. So romantic. So cool (both in the literal and the figurative way). So much fun. Until you have to ride your bike through that white mess at ungodly hours in freezing temperatures. Nevertheless, we took advantage of the unusual weather and took a walk in the snow with Flo and Juul.

Can you see that building on the left, hidden behind the trees? That's where we had our wedding reception. Such a beautiful location, I think.
These pictures were taken with my phone and it was getting dark. Scuse me!
Klaas and I both really enjoy going for walks with the dogs, but for some reason, we don't do it all that often. We should make it a mutual resolution!