Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Power's out

So, we woke up yesterday because we noticed that our alarm clocks weren't working anymore. Apparently the rain combined with the thaw of the snow had caused our basement to get pretty damp which caused a malfunction in the water pump's pressure controller, so it kept constantly pumping up water. This in turn short circuited the electricity so we were out of water AND out of electricity. Klaas took the day off from work and started fixing the problem. Although the pump is a goner, he did manage to get the electricity working again.

"Is that all?" you might say. It doesn't look all that different or complicated to me, but let me tell you, I wouldn't even know how to figure out what exactly the problem is. Let alone be able to fix it. I feel so lucky to be married to this wonderful man who not only picks up the slack when I'm too busy to do some household chores, but who is also amazingly skilled when it comes to dealing with problems like these.
Being out of water and electricity, we had a very unhealthy, yet utterly romantic dinner.
Great. Now I'm hungry again.


  1. Inderdaad. Zo leuk om getrouwd te zijn met iemand die zo skilled is met die dingen. G is exact hetzelfde. Go, Klaas!

    En nu word ik weer geconfronteerd met die frietjes. Ik denk dat we vanavond of morgen toch naar het frietkot gaan moeten gaan. :)

  2. mmm franse hamburger...
    mmm frikandel special...

  3. Ik zou nu toch wel graag weten wie die Anonymous is, hoor...

  4. Allez boke!! je kon toch weten dat ik het was :D
    I <3 vettig eten!
    (Sophie met ph)
